Serving Size Consideration: A typical serving of brazil nuts is 6-8 whole nuts
Safe Serving Size: Brazil nuts are low FODMAP and safe to consume in servings up to 10 nuts
Active Compounds: Brazil nuts contain natural GOS (galacto-oligosaccharides) but in very low amounts that are typically well tolerated
Why it's problematic: Rarely problematic for most people following a low FODMAP diet
Specific symptoms: Minimal to no symptoms when consumed in recommended portions
Typical reaction time frame: If reactions occur, typically within 4-6 hours of consumption
Individual variation: Some individuals may be sensitive to nuts in general, independent of FODMAP content
Roasting does not significantly affect FODMAP content
Ground brazil nuts maintain their low FODMAP status
Avoid combining with:
Safe complementary foods: Can be safely combined with other low FODMAP foods like seeds, fruits, and vegetables in moderate portions
Signs of success: No digestive discomfort after consuming full serving size
Common products containing garlic:
Alternative names: Para nuts, Cream nuts, Brazilian nuts
Factors affecting tolerance:
Tip: Start with small portions and monitor your body's response, particularly if you're new to nuts in your diet