Dried Pineapple
Ananas comosus
Concentrated Sugars
Small Portions Only
Dried pineapple rings



Serving Size Consideration: Standard dried pineapple serving

Safe Serving Size: Very small amounts might be tolerated by some individuals

Active Compounds: Fructose, sorbitol, and natural fruit sugars in concentrated form

Fermentation Level:

Digestive Impact

Why it's problematic: High in concentrated fructose and sorbitol due to the drying process

Specific symptoms: Bloating, gas, abdominal pain, and possible diarrhea

Typical reaction time frame: Typically within 30 minutes to 2 hours after consumption

Individual variation: Tolerance varies significantly among individuals, some may handle small amounts better than others

Safe Alternatives

Substitution ratio: 1:1 by weight when fresh

Processing Effects

Drying concentrates FODMAPs and sugars

Smaller portions are necessary compared to fresh pineapple

Stacking Considerations

Avoid combining with:

  • mango
  • honey
  • agave nectar
  • dates
  • raisins
  • dried cranberries
  • dried blueberries
  • dried apricots
  • dried mango

Safe complementary foods: Can be combined with low FODMAP proteins and fats to slow sugar absorption

Reintroduction Guidelines
  1. Start with a very small piece (5g) and assess tolerance
  2. Wait 24 hours to observe any reactions
  3. If well tolerated, gradually increase to 10g maximum
  4. Do not exceed recommended serving size even if well tolerated

Signs of success: No digestive symptoms within 24 hours of consumption at recommended serving size

Hidden Sources

Common products containing garlic:

  • trail mix
  • dried fruit medley
  • breakfast cereals
  • granola bars
  • energy bars
  • fruit cake

Alternative names: dehydrated pineapple, candied pineapple, pineapple rings, tropical dried fruit mix

Individual Variables

Factors affecting tolerance:

  • Overall FODMAP sensitivity level
  • Current stress levels
  • Time of day consumed
  • Other foods consumed in the same meal
  • Total daily FODMAP load

Tip: Keep a food diary to track your individual tolerance level and identify patterns in reactions