Serving Size Consideration: 1 medium red potato
Safe Serving Size: Up to 2 medium red potatoes per meal
Active Compounds: Resistant starch, oligosaccharides in very small amounts
Why it's problematic: Generally safe for most people following a low FODMAP diet
Specific symptoms: Minimal to none when consumed in recommended portions
Typical reaction time frame: 2-4 hours if sensitivity exists
Individual variation: Very low variation in tolerance among individuals
Boiling may slightly reduce FODMAP content
Baking does not significantly affect FODMAP content
Frying does not affect FODMAP content but may impact digestibility
Avoid combining with:
Safe complementary foods: Can be safely combined with most low FODMAP vegetables and proteins
Signs of success: No digestive symptoms after consumption, comfortable digestion within normal timeframe
Common products containing garlic:
Alternative names: new potatoes, baby red potatoes, red bliss potatoes
Factors affecting tolerance:
Tip: Start with small portions and increase gradually if well tolerated