Serving Size Consideration: One medium turnip, raw or cooked
Safe Serving Size: Up to 1.5 cups of turnip, diced
Active Compounds: Fructans and GOS in minimal amounts
Why it's problematic: Generally well-tolerated
Specific symptoms: Minimal to no digestive symptoms when consumed in recommended portions
Typical reaction time frame: If any reaction occurs, typically within 4-6 hours of consumption
Individual variation: Most people with IBS can tolerate turnips well
Cooking reduces any minimal FODMAPs present
Freezing does not significantly affect FODMAP content
Avoid combining with:
Safe complementary foods: Can be safely combined with most low FODMAP vegetables and proteins
Signs of success: No digestive discomfort after consuming standard serving size
Common products containing garlic:
Alternative names: White turnip, Purple top turnip, Baby turnip
Factors affecting tolerance:
Tip: Start with well-cooked turnips in small portions to test tolerance