Serving Size Consideration: 1 teaspoon (4g)
Safe Serving Size: Not recommended for FODMAP sensitive individuals
Active Compounds: Sugar alcohol (polyol) that can cause osmotic effects in the digestive system
Why it's problematic: High amounts can cause digestive distress due to osmotic effect
Specific symptoms: Bloating, gas, diarrhea, and abdominal pain
Typical reaction time frame: Usually within 2-6 hours after consumption
Individual variation: Tolerance varies significantly between individuals
Heat stable - can be used in baking
Highly soluble in water
Avoid combining with:
Safe complementary foods: Can be used with most low FODMAP foods, but best to avoid combining with other sugar alcohols
Signs of success: No digestive symptoms within 24 hours after consumption
Common products containing garlic:
Alternative names: wood sugar, birch sugar, E967, sugar alcohol
Factors affecting tolerance:
Tip: Start with very small amounts and increase gradually while monitoring symptoms