Serving Size Consideration: One medium peach
Safe Serving Size: Half a small peach
Active Compounds: Sorbitol, Fructose
Why it's problematic: Can be problematic in larger portions
Specific symptoms: Bloating, gas, and potential diarrhea
Typical reaction time frame: Usually within 30 minutes to 2 hours after consumption
Individual variation: Tolerance varies significantly between individuals
Canned peaches may have added high FODMAP sweeteners
Cooking doesn't significantly reduce FODMAP content
Freezing maintains FODMAP levels
Avoid combining with:
Safe complementary foods: Can be combined with proteins and low FODMAP grains
Signs of success: No digestive discomfort within 24 hours of consumption
Common products containing garlic:
Alternative names: stone fruit, prunus persica, peach puree, peach juice concentrate
Factors affecting tolerance:
Tip: Keep a food diary to track your personal tolerance levels