High Protein
Omega-3 Rich
Fresh halibut fillet



Serving Size Consideration: A typical serving of halibut is about 150 grams or 5.3 ounces

Safe Serving Size: Halibut is low FODMAP and safe to consume in regular portions up to 200 grams

Active Compounds: Protein, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, vitamin B12, selenium

Fermentation Level:
Very Low

Digestive Impact

Why it's problematic: No

Specific symptoms: Generally well-tolerated with minimal digestive impact

Typical reaction time frame: Immediate to 2 hours

Individual variation: Low variation between individuals

Safe Alternatives

Substitution ratio: 1:1

Processing Effects

Cooking does not affect FODMAP content

Freezing preserves low FODMAP status

Stacking Considerations

Avoid combining with:

  • garlic
  • onion
  • wheat bread

Safe complementary foods: Can be safely combined with rice, potatoes, and most vegetables

Reintroduction Guidelines
  1. As a low FODMAP food, no specific reintroduction needed

Signs of success: No digestive issues when consuming normal portions

Hidden Sources

Common products containing garlic:

  • fish stock
  • seafood marinades
  • fish sauce

Alternative names: Pacific halibut, Atlantic halibut, Hippoglossus stenolepis

Individual Variables

Factors affecting tolerance:

  • Overall digestive sensitivity
  • Portion size
  • Cooking method

Tip: Start with small portions if you're new to fish, despite its low FODMAP status